An Open Letter To Feeling Type Therapists

Dear Feeling Type Therapist,

I have always struggled to identify my theoretical orientation and I used to feel so uncomfortable when people would ask me to do so.

I learned about psychological theories in school in an abstract way. I could retain the information long enough to pass exams but I never really understood or retained them. I couldn’t relate the information to the real world in any meaningful way.

At Nysa, I learned that there are many different types of intelligence. These include: General (concepts), Verbal, Spacial, Kinesthetic, Music, Math, Interpersonal, and Subjective (Emotional Intelligence), and Spiritual/Intuitive. My strongest intelligences are Subjective and Interpersonal. I am very good at knowing my own internal states and being able to identify those in others as well.

At Nysa, we would summarize this by categorizing me as a “feeling type person”. 

I went through grad school feeling dumb when my peers could quickly answer questions in class. I felt like a fraud because I did well in school but I didn’t remember anything I learned. So, what good did it really do me to get good grades? One of the best parts about learning the Nysa Method is that the training has been geared towards feeling type therapists.

When teaching theoretical concepts, I am given real world examples that give the concepts a relational context.

I have been able to apply the concepts to my own life and the people around me and now I’m able to speak confidently about most of those theories in grad school I never could remember. 

I have always been hungry to learn and Nysa has found a way to feed my hunger in such a meaningful way. I have become confident in my skills and my ability to understand and apply the Nysa Method.

My patients are getting well more rapidly and my own mental health has benefitted as well. Creating meaningful relationships with my peers and my patients has made all the difference. 

Nysa therapist